Дата: Понедельник, 02.01.2017, 19:32 | Сообщение # 4
Triforce keeper
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Сообщений: 8932
Статус: Оффлайн
Ему бы еще объяснить, чем распаковать ром, чтобы его расклеило на все эти файлы. Я ваще не помню, я помню только этим экстрактором, что на сайте в файлах.
Добавлено (05.01.2017, 12:51) --------------------------------------------- First i checked the location of the font (thanks Anton ) and i use n64rip to export and import the png files. when i edit a graphic or a text i get a black screen after nintendo 64 logo and the music still plays Any ideas ? and what is the zdata files? thank you
Сообщение отредактировал Aymende7 - Понедельник, 02.01.2017, 21:21
Select (draw the frame) needed tiles, Ctrl+C. Don't close CrystalTile2. Open Photoshop (or whatever) and edit (using the SAME colors as in original image!). Then flatten image (if layers were used), select all, Ctrl+C. Go back to CrystalTile, Ctrl+V and press Enter. Resave file. Done.
Anton, не сбивай человека с пути истинного. ) N64rip это оболочка для проги Joe которая правильно всё делает с графикой N64. Может картинка больше размером становилась или ещё что. Помню ещё для crc какая-то прога нужна была (rn64crc). Тут ссылки на прогу которая разбивает ром на файлы, с картинками для Банджо. А тут все описания которые тогда получились для Зельд, в том числе и нужные filelists к Маске и экселька в которой можно свой лист сделать. Ещё yaz0enc, yaz0dec нужны (некоторые картинки упакованы в отдельных неупакованных файлах с указателями) и проект к круптару и хексредактор чтобы обратно всё вставлять, но делать это аккуратно, сверяясь с экселькой (иногда можно файл немного увеличить, иногда надо сдвигать указатели).
Но так как до реализации тогда не дошло батники для автоматического извлечения\вставки остались ненаписанными, а сейчас я это уже не смогу сделать... Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Сообщение отредактировал FoX_XoF - Четверг, 05.01.2017, 21:54
Anton, FoX_XoF, I tried all the methods and I still get black screen zdec + zelda MM= No intro No cutscenes 64 mb Here a video compare between the roms i had tested
in zelda MM russian version the rom still compressed in 32mb How? is there any tool recompress the roms to original size 32 mb or any thing else Sorry For Disturbing
Сообщение отредактировал Aymende7 - Пятница, 06.01.2017, 21:13
Zdec very glitched util. MM it's tool expand so poor. You can not expand. (Но это труднее.) To work with the original rom, but see to it that the new data is placed in the allotted place for them to pack if required, etc.
1 Download and install Pyton 3.x.x 2 Download Midwaydec. 3 Extract it and put in Midwaydec_dir Rom_file Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) [!].z64 32mb 4 Run Midwaydec.pyw:
Ctrl+R: Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) [!].z64 Ctrl+O: ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK-NZSE(Yaz0).txt or ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK-NZSE.txt (if need Yaz0 unpack) Ctrl+D: Majora's Mask (U) [!] Extract all files
0026_009EEC00_do_action_nes_static.zdata 100% 0014_00963540_icon_item_nes_static.zdata 95% 0007_005E06E0_font_static.zdata 100% 1124_0161F2A0_title_static.zdata 100% 1123_0161DB30_nintendo_rogo_static.zdata 100% 1129_01644C80_nes_game_static.zdata 100% 0845_01114DB0_object_Boss_01.zobj in a progress 0847_01135D20_object_Boss_03.zobj in a progress 0850_011449E0_object_Boss_07.zobj in a progress 0019_0097F640_map_name_nes_static_Yaz0.zdata i cant edit this because it compressed yaz0 data Contain 16 zarc files 0018_009719B0_item_name_nes_static_Yaz0.zdata
do you know how to compress zarc files to zdata again thank you
do you know how to compress zarc files to zdata again
yaz0dec to decompress all raw images (zarc_files) yaz0enc to compress edited *zarc - and then use Romput or HexEditor to put it into *_Yaz0.zdata file. offsets indicated in the name of *zarc_files. P.S. Please pay attention - the size of compressed (packed) file should not be larger than original packed file! Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Finally i translated all the graphics Thanks a lot i started translating the text (ztxt file) i tired all the methods to find PRESS START phrase and i still get "string not found" (notepad++ , Hxd , hexposure )
Anton, FoX_XoF, I think i found (maybe ) PRESS word in "0170_00C14350_ovl_z_En_Mag.zactor" using relative scan how can i replace it it just a five points
This Project Make the traslate easy than hex editor
About Kruptar 7 if i want to import ztext to rom again what should i do ?
Small fix: Replace this in Russian dir. I add Yaz0-packing for 0032_00A684D0_code.zasm in 1_Chaos_MM.bat
For Kruptar 7 if you translate some text (dont't forgot change output table accoding to new fonts in 0029_009F8E80_nes_font_static.zdata) and want to import ztext to rom again: 1. Save project (Ctrl+S) and press F9 (or Ctrl+F9 for recalculate all groups). 2. In Russian dir run 1_Chaos_MM.bat and put in rom(use HexEditor or Romput): 0030_009FDC80_nes_message_data_static.ztxt 0031_00A67670_staff_message_data_static.ztxt (if translated) 0032_00A684D0_code.zasm.yaz0 size not be larger than original778 432 byte (see J37). If it wrong goto 3. Then in Kruptar 7: group\nes_message_data_static\Pointers\List1\ change ptSeekSame False=>True and repeat 1 and 2. 3. Run 2_Unity_MM.bat 4. Повторяй. (if necessary). ... ... Profit! Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Сообщение отредактировал FoX_XoF - Вторник, 23.04.2019, 17:09
Дата: Понедельник, 30.01.2017, 23:46 | Сообщение # 27
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 30
Статус: Оффлайн
I forgot Thanks for the fix
I Making a Graphical user interface (GUI) program for many of gamecube hacking tools to make the hacking of gamecube games Easier Is it good ? Check this :
CLI can be used for mass processing of files: writing batch files skill allows you to use all the features of the program and, if necessary, and various programs. Functionally, quickly and without the need to repeat many times the same action in the GUI (Frontend).
Next are examples of simplifying the translation of any version of OoT and MM from the N64. I used n64rawgfx (N64rip is GUI Frontend for it) and image characteristics: GFX_complete_OoT.txt and GFX_complete_MM.txt. You can compare the performance of GUI and CLI and see the difference.
Как-то так.
For example 1 (for *_Yaz0.zdata MM): Kosmos programmed small easy CLI (Command Line Interface) util and I added Yaz0-compessor\decompessor and wrote a small and easy Batch File.
For example 2 (for GFX OoT&MM): working on it ... jobs done.
Дата: Воскресенье, 05.02.2017, 20:15 | Сообщение # 30
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 379
Статус: Оффлайн
Yep. ) This oldest Batch Files for extract GFX OoT. Worked for all original OoT Roms, and some(ZRE - glitched util) translations. Bigger_Harder_Bugger ) (deleted) This Arabic_GFX extracted it things. ) For this translation it not worked, but I extracted. ) year 2014. (deleted)
Скоро доделается батник для маски и добавлю для обоих Зельд с N64 Экспорт\Импорт всей известной мне графики необходимой (хотя и не всегда) для перевода. Окарина уже работает и показывает кто где и что натворил... Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Сообщение отредактировал FoX_XoF - Среда, 22.02.2017, 16:56
i can't say anything you are amazing do you learn c++ ?
plz check this
sorry for delay :D
Добавлено (15.02.2017, 12:54) --------------------------------------------- do you know where i can get this files - seeddb.bin - aeskeydb.bin (founded) for Decrypt9Wip
No. Kosmos is the author of this util. He is C# programmer. But this util has tiny glitch also. ) For GUI - not critical, but CLI massive export needs to be taken into consideration.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b8gv7MokYM tanslation the finished?
not yet the old site of arabic translations moved to this site www.animeiat-light.com/wumd/ However i didn't find anything about zelda phantom hourglass
ЦитатаFoX_XoF ()
How? I do not see any link.
i formatted my Computer to 64bit because 3ds extracting tools (Ctrtool,Makerom) works only on 64bit and now i need to download visual basic again 12GB
For export: Texturipper. For import: Any TexturePackagers. For any types containers: Brain and any HexEditor. Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Сообщение отредактировал FoX_XoF - Воскресенье, 05.03.2017, 16:48
Next you need save it texture (png file) for any container (ctpk or ctxb or bclim or bflim etc) If need convert png to required for util format (tga or bmp) use nconvert (N64rip contain it) Texture formats may be different: (Rgba8, Rgb8, Rgb565, Rgba4, Hilo8, La4, La8, L4, L8, A4, A8, Etc1, Etc1A4( ETC1A4_MI or ETC1A4_SP)) and utilites may be glitchy. I used filecutter and structured paths for textures files in batch file for change containers types from ctpk to ctxb for all textures (at dir) has identical format:
@echo off set prog=soft\filecutter\filecutter.exe set mask1=*.ctpk set param1=-s 128 set mask2=orig\ctxb\actor\LA88\ set mask3=orig\ctxb\menu_02_EU_ENGLISH\Etc1A4\MediumImproved\ set mask4=orig\ctxb\menu_02_EU_ENGLISH\RGBA4444\ set mask5=orig\ctxb\menu_02_EU_ENGLISH\RGBA8888\ set mask6=orig\ctxb\misc\LA88\ set mask7=orig\ctxb\misc_eu_english\Etc1A4\MediumImproved\ set mask8=orig\ctxb\misc_eu_english\RGBA4444\ set mask9=orig\ctxb\misc_eu_english\RGBA8888\ set maskA=orig\ctxb\scene\LA88\ set param2=-s 0 rem Change way if need set way=%mask4%
echo Building... if exist %mask1% ( for %%f in (%mask1%) do ( %prog% "%%f" %%~zf "%%~nf.ctx" %param1% >nul del "%%f" >nul %prog% "%way%%%~nf.ctxb" 72 "%%~nf.ctb" %param2% >nul ) for %%f in (*.ctb) do ( if exist "%%~nf.ctx" copy/b "%%~nf.ctb" + "%%~nf.ctx" "%%~nf.ctxb" >nul del "%%f" >nul del "%%~nf.ctx" >nul ) ) pause
Дата: Воскресенье, 19.03.2017, 20:24 | Сообщение # 41
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 30
Статус: Оффлайн
to save the texture file (png) to ctpk you need a foulder contain .xml files generated by ctpk tool while dumping textures from ctpk but i dont have a ctpk file png2bclim works i can now save png file in bclim file container this batch convert ctpk to ctxb what about bclim to ctxb? or bclim to ctpk
Дата: Понедельник, 20.03.2017, 20:48 | Сообщение # 42
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 379
Статус: Оффлайн
1. See it. Red bytes is bclim header (end texture file). 2. Cut header. 3. Add for texture(without header) CTXB header from original ctxb file(72b begin file: 0x0 - 0x48). 4. If original and generated (from original not edited png) ctxb is identical or very same (for ETC1A) then goto 4.1 else 4.2. Sizes original and translated files may be equal always. 4.1 Repeat 2-3 for translated png and be happy. 4.2 Something went wrong. Compare files from 4 and change Texture format or util. Repeat 2-4 ... ... Profit! Идея настолько глупа, банальна и наляписта, но...(Ц)
Сообщение отредактировал FoX_XoF - Понедельник, 01.05.2017, 21:19
Eventually I'd like to port the Russian translations, but at the moment I'm working on porting the "MM (T-BR)(Projeto BR)(1.1)(2008)" patch to the GC roms (to keep the original 60hz speed and be compatible with M-PAL) and came across this post: http://zelda64rus.ucoz.ru/forum/32-113-3#21214
Can someone explain this "Brazilian Bug"?
btw, if anyone is interested we have added 20 additional characters to the font on the OoT PAL/Europe GC roms. (matches full font from MM PAL + 4 for Brazilian Portuguese) MM PAL GC is limited to an additional 4 characters on the font, due to space limitations. English speaker only, using Google Chrome to translate
Aroenai, Russian MM N64 needs a lot of rework. I'm editing it's text right now. After that - grahics will be edited. And then we'll make a new patch. For now it's incompatible as GC ROM, IIRC...
I know it's not compatible, but making it compatible is fairly easy considering I've already been porting things between all 10 versions of the MM roms... really I'd just need the raw textures and the names of what they replace. The Brazilian translation port is just taking a bit because I'm cleaning out all the extra spaces they added before the end marker characters, and there's a lot of entries to correct in the text id table for the length after removing those. English speaker only, using Google Chrome to translate
"Brazilian Bug" are errors from his Eng table: 0000FEFFFF0005FFFFFFFF=[05FFFF] 0601FEFFFF0005FFFFFFFF=[05FFFF] => [FE05FF] 060114FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF=[060114] 0601FEFFFF0014FFFFFFFF=[060114] => [06FE14] 060132FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF=[060132] 0601FEFFFF0032FFFFFFFF=[060132] => [06FE32] 060164FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF=[060164] 0601FEFFFF0064FFFFFFFF=[060164] => [06FE64] 060196FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF=[060196] 0601FEFFFF0096FFFFFFFF=[060196] => [06FE96] This bug table attached. But it project from 2011 or 2013 for Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) (V1.0).z64 64Mb, and I did't saw this translation.
I'd just need the raw textures and the names of what they replace.
1 Download and install Pyton 3.x.x 2. Extract zip. 3. Put all interested original or translated roms Z64 (Good_Name). Example: Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (V1.0) [!].z64 Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (V1.0) [T+Bra1.1c_Projeto BR].z64
4. Run Extract_GFX_MM.bat or Extract_GFX_OoT.bat 5. Tape "Extract all files" and then Close from Midwaydec (it's bug, but Zoinkity abort this project, and I replaced this util later) 6. Wait and see new dir. (worked only Windows) ... ... Profit!
if anyone is interested we have added 20 additional characters to the font on the OoT PAL/Europe GC roms.
Those look like message headers, which means they're not very useful without file offsets because you can have multiple text id's with the same header values.